Help Me Name A Piece #3

I started out thinking my images represented something only personal, specific to myself and my own life; and, therefore, probably not relevant to others. However, as I began to show the work, I found the panels were deeply affecting to others, and individual pieces often generated strong responses as viewers grappled to understand the “story” or message of the image. I believe this is because the meaning of the images is gleaned by a process of self and social examination which discerns their meaning for our lives and communities. For this reason I now name pieces in a group setting bringing together as 2 to 10 others to help me figure out what the message is behind each piece. This “naming Process” is very taxing part since it demands a connection between the intuitive and the rational parts of the mind.

During a naming session, the group dialogues about a piece until it slowly refines the message and a name is offered which we can all agree upon. When the right name is found, there is often a feeling of instant connection between participants. When a name is given to a piece out of such a group consensus, art creates community not mere opinion. This is the true basis of culture. I have observed that people are often drawn to a particular piece which has something to tell them and that when they explore their reactions to the piece it opens the piece up to understanding by others as well. Currently, I am experimenting with naming pieces on line. Below is the current piece I am soliciting names for. If you are interested and want to send in a name please comment below. Feel free to submit multiple entries if you wish. If you submit a name I will keep in touch with you and let you know what the final name is I select for the piece as well as others which were suggested.

*Click Here* to add your comments & name suggestions or see what others have posted for this piece

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8 Responses to Help Me Name A Piece #3

  1. Delana says:

    This piece seems to be about all the invisible emotional and mental labor women are constantly doing to manage the livelihood of their households. Despite the abundance of food (apples, chicken) and beauty (flowers) this woman has around her, her face is calculating, anxious, intense. She appears to be trying to do at least 3 things at once. All the moons in the background indicate time passing, and the way her mind is leashed to the schedule she’s keeping.

    The Labor of Abundance

  2. Linda Medina says:

    Mother Nature Provides

  3. Brad says:

    After also getting the following additional suggestions from Delana: The invisible Labor of Mother Nature and Mother’s Labor Provides, I have decided to go with the owner’s suggestions of Mother Nature Provides as the title for this piece.

  4. Jody Bare says:

    Brad, How about “Sun Dance” for #4. Hanging in there, Jody

  5. Jody Bare says:

    Oh, how about “Golden Triad” another idea.

  6. Jody Bare says:

    Oops, the names I put in were for #8 not #4. Thanks, Jody

  7. Brad says:

    I will be checking in during January to see what everyone suggests for a name.

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