Category Archives: Sculpture of the Month

Sculpture of the Month #9 February 2021

This sculpture speaks to me in these turbulent times because its seems to suggest that we must aspire to peace with a willingness to guard and protect it once achieved.

I sketched this scene in the summer of 2001 while visiting friends in Albuquerque, New Mexico. We called their home “the butterfly house” because the plants around it attracted a myriad of butterflies daily — remarkable for the desert habitat!

Likewise, the final sculpture, finished in San Diego in 2006, seems a reminder that great beauty can blossom forth from a parched landscape

Guardian of the Valley of Peace

The skeleton spirit conjured by the mouse-like shaman could represent the bones of a template for a future peaceful world. But without the guardian animal on the left to defend and protect this future, it will not survive.

We search for such a template just now: a resilient and positive strategy for enacting our future in a way that deflects and transcends divisive Internet memes.

Guardian of the Valley of Peace suggests that, to assure such a future, we must learn to re-direct contentious points of view into a new unity, much like Kung Fu masters use the aggressive strength of their opponents to their own advantage.

I hope this piece inspires you to develop a way to move forward with the grace and strength it will take to win a peaceful and stable future for all.

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Sculpture of the Month #8 January 2021

Contrails of Emergence For January’s Sculpture of the Month, I have chosen a newer piece to share with you. To me, it reflects our transition from 2020 to 2021 because, unlike all the previous pieces featured in this series, the […]

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Sculpture of the Month #7 December 2020

The Dilemma of the Jaguar Queen I have chosen a piece this month that reflects the angst of uncertainty and division we still face post-election. It also brings attention to the responsibility of making good choices in the use of power. I […]

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Sculpture of the Month #6 November 2020

National Pastime Again this month I am drawn to feature a work which seems to speak to the heart of our national inability to collaborate with our fellow citizens to reach sensible decisions about our civic needs. For this reason […]

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Sculpture of the Month #5 October 2020

As we experience one of the most divided nations during my lifetime and are now nearing an election which has the potential to make it worse and as we experience the loss of our face-to-face connections with others due to […]

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Sculpture of the Month #4 September 2020

As Fall starts and we are still on Covid and fire sequestration in California, life does seem to be challenging us to come up with some new ways of living. So I picked a piece to feature this month that […]

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Sculpture of the Month #3 August 2020

Another month, another inspiring sculpture. Several of you told me that last month’s spoke to you in a profound way. This makes my work as an artist worthwhile. This month I have selected a piece from my Rosecrans Project, An […]

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Sculpture of the Month #2 July 2020

Here we are again at the beginning of another month. Hope you enjoyed last month’s sculpture. Many of you sent me appreciative comments. As a reminder, let me know if you have pieces you have seen in the past or […]

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Sculpture of the Month #1 June 2020

For sometime now I have been thinking about how I could share more of my art work on a regular basis with you, especially those who cannot make it to my shows or would like to know more about work […]

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