Category Archives: Sculpture of the Month

Sculpture of the Month #40 October 2023

For the October Sculpture of the Month, I am again looking back to some older work. This sculpture sold several years ago, so I don’t see it very often, but it has come to mind in light of recent events.

Many of my earlier pieces reference existing or former religions or cultures (see, for example, SOM #5: On the Brink of Convergence or SOM #10: Phrygian Journey), but this one in particular spoke to me after I learned about the assassination of Sikh activist Hardeep Singh Nijjar in Vancouver, Canada this past June. It appears India’s Hindu-dominated government may have orchestrated the killing.

At this time of extended international conflict, coup, and the continuing use of religion to justify discrimination and even violence against those whose beliefs we disagree with, I find this sculpture depicting a harmony of religions especially moving

Buddha & the Christfish

For me, this piece speaks to the interconnection between all faiths. A winged Buddha cradles a fish, symbol of Christianity, while meditating in front of a Christian cross. Coiled around the base of the cross appears the sacred serpent, an older symbol of earlier, matriarchal, nature-based religions. No sense of conflicting viewpoints appears in the image. Rather, the tone of the sculpture evokes the beautiful unity that’s possible among all religions when  practiced with compassion.

Whenever our universal connection to each other through a higher power gets broken by believing we, as individuals or as a group, have the superior or only way to live a good life, the virtuous path of the religion breaks as well. Not only does this result in a lack of compassion for others, it often betrays a lack of compassion for ourselves. To focus on the evil we perceive in others’ beliefs requires that we deny our own capacity for harm, mistake, and misperception. This attitude always leads down a path that divides the soul and tears apart the world we live in.

I invite you, then, to see Buddha and the Christfish as a source of inspiration. At the core of all religion lies the aspiration to develop the highest compassion and cooperation with those around us (including the animal and plant beings in our midst). No wholesome creed requires us to choose a path of judgement nor tasks us with the responsibility to change or eradicate conflicting views.

So, I encourage you: Meditate often. Say your prayers. Be kind to plants and animals. And live in peace with yourself and one another. Amen.

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Sculpture of the Month #39 September 2023

read several articles this past week about how loneliness has become endemic in our culture, particularly among young people, and this reminded me of the history of the piece I’ve chosen to share as the Sculpture of the Month for […]

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Sculpture of the Month #38 August 2023

First Flight of the Archaeopteryx The piece is named for the skeletal bird that appears in the center, the Archaeopteryx, thought to be the earliest bird to have evolved from dinosaurs when its first fossil was discovered in Germany in […]

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Sculpture of the Month #37 July 2023

For July, I decided to take a bit of a different tack in choosing my Sculpture of the Month: I asked my newsletter editor to select a piece for me to write about. As it turns out, she picked a […]

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Sculpture of the Month #36 June 2023

A year ago, in May 2022, I chose Last Call as my Sculpture of the Month, with its message about our impacts on Mother Nature (after whom the month of May happens to be named). This year, I skipped the […]

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Sculpture of the Month #35 April 2023

After hitting a number of dead ends during the last year trying to find a reliable local kiln to fire my work, out of the blue, I learned about a kiln available nearby that’s just what I need for my […]

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Sculpture of the Month #34 March 2023

The Easter season has begun, having started near the end of February with Good Friday. Now, we are in Lent, the traditional Christian fasting period leading up to the observance of Christ’s resurrection on Easter Day. But present day Easter […]

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Sculpture of the Month #33 February 2023

With the war still raging in Ukraine, I keep feeling drawn to the imagery in sculptures from my Rosecrans Project, created just after we started the War in Iraq in 2003. I asked the question, “How do we get past […]

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Sculpture of the Month #32 January 2023

As we move into the New Year, the piece below speaks to me. Most people will probably feel puzzled by the name because few of us have ever seen foxfire. Yet most of us will recognize the other theme in […]

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Sculpture of the Month #31 December 2022

As we move into the darkest part of the year in the northern hemisphere and the month of the Winter Solstice, I usually find myself struggling with doubt and negative thoughts. Progress toward my goals and aspirations seems to stall […]

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