Journal Entry for Sketch #7
April 28th-Vietnam Warriors Near Iraq War Dead
I sketch near the grave of Lance Corporal Martin Wells, U.S. Marine Corps, who died at 21 years of age 10/16/70 in Vietnam War. He is buried with his father who was a WWII veteran and outlived his son by 9 years (buried10/1/79 at age 60).
I am also near the grave of Lieutenant George Theron Carr, U.S. Air Force, who fought in WWII, Korea and Vietnam and died, probably in Vietnam, on October 13, 1970 at age 52. His gravestone indicates he has won some “awards” for his service (AM & OLC). I cannot decipher the acronyms.As I sketch, I watch two groups of visitors come and go at the graves of the Iraq War dead. To my left two groups of women visited the grave of Thomas Adams. They talk and pray, and the children frolic awhile on the grass around the graves; then they leave.
To my right a young woman and girl in a Neon make car come to the grave of Brian Kennedy. They park the car in front of the grave so that as they sit by the grave I cannot see them mourn. Then they rise and move off to the west among other gravestones. The young girl, oblivious to death, needs to play.
10 thoughts on “Rosecrans 7: Witnessing the Birth of a New Paradigm”
This piece was previously part of a naming group at the artist’s gallery. The name picked for the piece at that time was “Instructions for the Idiot”. Please feel free to provide your comments on the appropriateness of this name or suggest another story/name to go with this piece.
This one fits with your description of the playing children who come to the cemetary. The “mice” still play around the grass and discover new toys. I would call this one “The Play Goes On, As It Must.”
Great project and don’t be afraid of what others think. It is with passion and caring that you have done and do this – so just be true to that and share boldly.
This sculpture brought me to consider the birth of children into our world…and the violence that pervades our society with rage, war and violent media. How will they bear this violence as they are born into this world.
Last night I heard the Kronos Quartet playing “Sun Rings” using the sounds and images of the universe. And I again thought what would the universe think of the fighting and conflict on this earth?
In reference to war and children
Title: “Lost Possibilities”
Fantasy and play unfulfilled
But what is the bird saying to the figure in the egg and who is he?
Interesting theme have mentioned. With pleasure I shall support.
And in general, good blog
After seeing this piece in person at their house, the Wades (Paul, Kristine, and Colin) think a good name for this one would be: “Witnesses at the Birth of a New Paradigm”
I was immediately drawn to this peace and it brought two words to mind. “Love Canal” (in reference to the Love Canal area of Niagara Falls – where I was conceived)
This title suggestion was submitted in writing by a person attending the Rosecrans Exhibit at the Louden Community Center in Santa Cruz, CA:
Inara: Shell Shocked
” Is it a birth into one’s own psyche or a death?”
Into a pristine land hope is born and heralded as representative of the new wave by all – excepting the simple koala which had been awakened by the excitement of hope – only to find itself outside the dream and irritated by its energy. What seed lies in the Koala and how will its tensions be resolved? Is this the birth of a great hope or the seeds of renewal of old ways?