April 6, 2003: Researching The Cemetery
I discover a kiosk near Visitor Center where records of burials and a map machine for locating graves by name is located. Begin to research locations of war dead by going through record books. Strategy is to find soldiers who were in their early 20’s and/or died during the time they fought in a particular war. In record book DOD = Date of Death, however, find that often entries in book are DOI = Date of internment (burial at cemetery) not date of soldier’s death.
Note that usually war or wars that soldier fought in are listed on tombstones as well as service branch and sometimes rank, but not always. Later discover that many of Vietnam dead do not list name of war on tombstone, perhaps because they did not want to be identified with this war.
Based on date of death I look up graves for soldiers who appeared to have died in war based on known dates of wars e.g. WWII 1940-42. Map machine at kiosk allows you to print out locations of grave once name is found in record book. I print out 11 dead using map machine, but I am only able to find three graves in field. System is not accurate. Three are listed below.
I begin to take pictures of tombstones I visit as well as cemetery in general. I take pictures of three tombstones I find:
52 years old at death-may have died in Vietnam because of year of death.
Flt. O U.S Army Air Corps
Purple Heart POW
73 years old at death. Probably did not die in war.
82 years old at death. Probably did not die in war.
Begin to decipher some of the acronyms found on the tombstones:
KIA = Killed in Action PH = Purple Heart
POW = Prisoner of War CDR = Commander
Flt. O = Flight Officer CPL = Corporal
PFC = Private First Class ENS = Ensign
I conclude that it will not be easy to locate war dead using existing written records available at kiosk since maps often do not give adequate direction to graves and/or do not reflect actual date of death. Also there is no one to ask since Visitor Center is always closed on the weekends and holidays when I come to sketch.

0 thoughts on “Rosecrans 4”
“Automated Decision-Making” – a jack-in-the box, a headless flying machine, and the main character has his finger on the button.
The fallen warrior resting. A dragonfly on one side, symbol of rebirth and a symbolic jackel on the other, recycler of decay….also rebirth.
Direction of Choice
The central figure seems like some sort of soldier to me; but the items to either side are like toys. How childlike is the violent response to problems in us humans.
The man is armored, like the warriors of the Romans. He seems confident, resolute.
“MARCHING TO VICTORY” would be my title
These title suggestions were submitted in writing by persons attending the Rosecrans Exhibit at the Louden Community Center in Santa Cruz, CA:
Inara: Protecting What’s His
Things Don’t Appear What They Seem
Reality Bent
Jolie: The General and His Minions
Another comment from Santa Cruz show:
Clitorra: Heaven and Hell
“Rosecrans reminds me of
glorifications to deceased humans”
“Greatest Night” This one on the face seems to be some sort of Knight but the whimsical nature of the central figure with an almost Heckle and Jeckle like face and the Disney like animals suggest maybe he shouldn’t be taken seriously. Maybe this symbolizes the status we have given warriors in our society while at the same time revealing that the Emperor has no cloths. I think this is re-enforced by the sun/planet that he seems to be holding down under his left hand.
The dragon fly masquerades as an alluring flower while the rat pretends to be a jester while the wise mother of humanity girds her loins from both. There is great hope in the land because she saw through the disguises and knew that the future of her eggs was not for either of her suitors. What then? Perhaps just hope is enough.