Journal Entry for Sketch #13
July 4th- U.S. Independence Day: Last /Visit
Another Iraq Warrior to be Buried
Secret of WWI Graves
I have decided I must end the project at this time because I find sitting with the dead has caused melancholy and negativity to seep into my life. I have visited soldiers who have died in all our major wars except WWI. I decide that July 4th, U.S. Independence Day, will be the appropriate day to stop since this was the day we won the freedom we now fight to keep. For some reason I am lead to visit the Visitor Center one last time today even though it has never been open on the weekends and holidays I have visited the cemetery in the past. They have a pamphlet there about the history of the cemetery that I would like to read. I drive there and find it surprisingly open. “Charlie” is there and he tells me that the building is not officially open but he gives me a copy of the cemetery pamphlet that I seek. I remark to myself how soldiers referred to the enemy during the Vietnam War as “Charlie”. He also tells me that the oldest soldiers here are from the Battle of San Pasqual fought prior to when California was yet a state against Mexican forces by “American” pioneers in the San Pasqual Valley. He tells me their remains had been moved three times before they ended up here.
0 thoughts on “Rosecrans 13”
Fear of the Dream
Battle of San Pasqual: The War with Mexico began in May, 1846, without full support of the United States Congress. The necessity and justification for the war is still a debatable issue among historians.
~ Ramón E. Ruiz, ed., The Mexican War. Was it Manifest Destiny? (New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1963); and Glenn W. Price, Origins of the War with Mexico (Austin: University of Texas Press, 1967).
Hmm, which other wars on the US history could don this same comment…
“Bordello Nights”
The world has seen it again and again – this revelry and posturing before mating . . . and the dog just marvels at the energy and just wants to be touched and find its place in all this. How can you think of war at this moment filled with desire, yet at some level desire is the base of all conflict.