Journal Entry for Sketch #12
June 15th-Father’s Day-Korean War Dead
Like Memorial Day I should have suspected but was still surprised to see so many people visit today to place flowers on their dead father’s graves. Called my own dad earlier in the day (90 years old) and he had had an accident earlier in the day. I could tell it had worn him out.
I have been drawn to a different part of the cemetery today down at the southeast corner. Not sure why I am here. I am feeling bad from a disagreement earlier with my wife. I have been trying to find soldiers who died in Korea, but since it is a war that only lasted for 3 years it has been difficult. But, today I find them (4 graves together) apparently all buried together at this end of the cemetery. Two are Purple Hearts.
I photograph the headstones and walk back to retrieve my backpack. As I walk I suddenly hear a whoosh sound above me and duck just in time to avoid being scratched by the talons of a Sharp Shinned Hawk. I am stunned and at first believe I have imagined the event since nothing like this has ever happened to me before. I imagine at best it was an accident. I continue walking, and the hawk (war bird) “hits” at me three more times threatening damage to my head. I retreat in confusion to the car parked about 100 feet from the graves only narrowly avoiding one more hit. I decide this is a sign that I am to sketch from the car today.